
In case some readers haven't already noticed I've been using different languages as titles of some blog entries. There is no rhyme or reason I chose the language for that day, it's completely random and today I chose Japanese for Day 11, hump day. I thought it would be something different, that's all.

I'm still raving about this "mexican oven braised beef" recipe. It's so damn good and savory, I can't believe its paleo. I ate it again for lunch since we made a large batch during our prep day. That's 3 different times since Sunday and it's been as good as the first time. Everyone has to try it and according to my wife and the blog, "it's so easy to make".

Ok so I love cycling or biking. I separate the two because there are different niches in the community, roadies and mountain bikers. I like and do both but some people stick to one and don't venture into the other. Anyway, I always find myself choosing to WOD instead of ride although I think of riding just as much. I guess it's the people that keep me choosing to crossfit since it's harder to find a group of people to ride with and match schedules. If any you have either bikes and have an open schedule, let's get together and ride. Group rides are always fun especially with this so cal weather. If you're looking to get into riding I can try to help the best I can.

Today's featured meal:

Baked Salmon, roasted brussels sprouts, and roasted sweet potato.

Oh man, this dish was freaking amazing. The light touch of salt on the roasted brussels sprouts makes it so tasty. Never in a million years did I think I would be eating like this and like it. One thing I did wish I that I had done before the PNE was take a blood panel test. It would have really shown the molecular and biological changes my body would encounter during this experience. Maybe I'll still do it just so I have some medical history.

WOD: Quarter century assassinator

25 rounds (What deal did our trainers make with the devil?)

5 Shoulder to Overhead 95#

9 Unbroken Double Unders

My time = 16:55